CESDb > Water Resources > Well Logger
Well Logger screenshot
SOFTWARE :Well Logger
DEVELOPER :Porpoise Media
VERSION :3.0.1
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1412
Program Description

Well Logger software lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams. It boasts a simple, yet robust, user interface that features customizable layouts, user-definable fill patterns, adjustable scaling, and print preview.

Well Logger has an easy-to-use spreadsheet interface, with drop-down lookup boxes to simplify data entry for each borehole. Entry information includes borehole lithology, samples collected, well construction or borehole backfilling details, and general information about the project and boring. Well Logger can produce your boring and well logs in half the time of traditional CAD style programs.

Project engineers and geologists can use Well Logger on a laptop at the worksite to quickly complete necessary documentation -- usually during available drilling downtime.

* Well Logger download link provides trial version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Zac Hawk
The program is easy to use the logs just are ugly.
Abo Kossay
I need tutorial please
Peter Howitz
Well Logger is clearly the easiest and most straight forward to generate borehole and well logs. Using Well Logger, I was able to create and print a borehole log in 10 minutes, the very first try!

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Well Logger has been rated 3.8 out of 5 points. A total of 6 votes cast and 3 users reviewed the software.

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