2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform static analysis of trusses. Its versatile interface as well as its easy customization make it a leader-product in truss analysis.
Analysis features
- Use of highly flexible, general, finite element method
- Static analysis of 2D trusses
- Unlimited number of Nodes and Bars
- Supports all major measure units
- All type of boundary conditions (fixed, rollers, etc. )
- Translational and rotational spring supports
- Initial displacement conditions
- Extremely easy model creation, no need to first define nodes and then elements, nodes are produced automatically
- Consideration of thermal loads
* 2D Truss Analysis download link provides demo version of the software.
With Truss Explorer you can easily create quotation or manufacturing documentation for the entire project.
Structural Frame & Truss Analysis
RSTAB is the ideal tool for the design of beam, frame, or truss structures consisting of steel, reinforced concrete, timber, aluminum, or other materials.
Linear Static Analysis of Plane Trusses
EngiLab Truss. 2D is a powerful engineering software for the linear static analysis of plane (2D) trusses for Windows, offering also some design capabilities with relevant checks.
MATruss performs static strength analysis of a structure made up by truss elements. An easy to use preprocessor make the input of model data a fast and carefree process.
Software suite TRUSS4 is designed for analysis of timber truss structures connected with punched metal plate fasteners.
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