A9CAD screenshot
VERSION :2.2.1
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:4240
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that A9CAD is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

A9CAD is a general purpose two-dimensional CAD program. It supports industry standard DWG & DXF drawing formats. 2D DWG/DXF editor with familiar graphical user interface and property window to view and edit DWG/DXF files.

Major Features:

  • Two-dimensional CAD drawing viewing and editing.
  • Support DWG and DXF format up to DWG/DXF 2000.
  • Familiar Windows graphical user interface.
  • Command window to input coordinates.
  • View and edit entity attributes via properties window.

* A9CAD download link provides freeware version of the software.

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