CESDb > Surveying > ACE Advanced Cost Estimator
ACE Advanced Cost Estimator screenshot
SOFTWARE :ACE Advanced Cost Estimator
DEVELOPER :ArcelorMittal
VERSION :1.8.2
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:409
Program Description

The software ACE provides a quick price and weight estimation for floor systems based on I-profiles as well as for simple industrial halls geometries. It also serves as a price calculator of already designed solutions. ACE is not a finite element calculation software and the results are based on the implemented databases. 

ACE provides 4 operating modes: 

  • Single Module - quick price and weight estimation for one module of a floor system based on I-profiles,
  • Multi-Module - quick price and weight estimation for the whole floor based on I-profiles,
  • Beam Calculator – price calculator of floor systems based on already designed solutions (import of beams and slabs),
  • Industrial halls - quick price and weight estimation for simple geometries of industrial halls with flat or pitched roof.

* ACE Advanced Cost Estimator download link provides freeware version of the software.

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