ACOBRI screenshot
DEVELOPER :ArcelorMittal
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:3594
Program Description

ACOBRI is a software developed by the CTICM for ArcelorMittal account for the preliminary design of structures with composite steel-concrete deck. It is designed especially for the verification of high performance laminated beams as main beams in bridges, roads, railway bridges and pedestrian walkways. At the stage of the draft, this software is a quick and effective tool to design and analyze a competitive mixed solution.

The ACOBRI software can handle different types of composite bridge beams:

  • Work filler beam
  • Work type beam under way (I-joist or combined with housing) collaborating with composite slab cast on site with predella uncooperative or partially prefabricated slab-type VFT
  • Preco Work with sunken soul in the slab by cutting CL

Calculations include:

  • Automatic determination of shares (permanent loads, loads, convoys ...)
  • The calculation of stresses from a beam grill type of model
  • Checks for different combinations of actions at Ultimate Limit State, the Serviceability limit states and fatigue limit states
  • A fixed density estimation connectors, if applicable
  • A simplified estimate of completion

These calculations are performed according to Eurocodes (general rules, French National Annexes, German or Italian).

Regarding traffic loads, they are determined automatically by the software from a finite element based on design rules previously selected by the user. It is also possible to define abnormal loads for road bridges.

Audits are, among others:

  • Sections of flexural strength
  • Resistance to shear
  • Resistance to buckling of the web
  • Arrows and rotations
  • The natural frequency of the fundamental mode of vibration

The scope of software covers bridges up to 10 spans, 10 beam lines (30 for filler beam bridges) and ranges up to 50 meters. The user-friendly and intuitive graphic interface allows the user to enter and edit data easily. The program has a powerful post-processor that offers multiple opportunities for publishing results and graphics: modeling, effort diagrams, influence lines, distorted the deck, distribution of connection... This module is a handy tool that allows a critical analysis of the results.

* ACOBRI download link provides freeware version of the software.

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