CESDb > Structural Design > ADAPT-Builder
ADAPT-Builder screenshot
VERSION :2019.2
FILE SIZE :215.57 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1410
Program Description

Easily create complex concrete geometry including single levels, ramps, and multi-story concrete structures using robust modeling tools as well as import from CAD and BIM software.

Efficiently analyze slabs or entire structures for the combined effects of gravity, lateral and vibration loading, utilizing true 3D finite element analysis, straightforward load takedown and realistic slab alignment.

Whether you’re investigating an existing reinforced concrete slab or designing a multi-story post-tensioned building, ADAPT-Builder allows you to control all aspects of design including cracking, long term deflections and punching shear, ensuring results are accurate and complete.

ADAPT-Builder is the 3D modeling, analysis and design platform for ADAPT-Floor Pro, Edge, MAT and SOG, while Modeler can be used together with ADAPT-PT and RC.

  • Floor Pro - Easily investigate, analyze and design a variety of reinforced concrete and post-tensioned slabs and beams using industry leading 3D finite element meshing and advanced rebar and tendon detailing.
  • Edge - Rapidly model and utilize gravity and lateral loads, to analyze an entire concrete building structure from roof to foundation, including automated load takedown and seamless BIM integration.
  • MAT - Automatic finite element mesh, soil springs and loading from superstructure model to analyze and design reinforced concrete and post-tensioned mat foundations, footings, pile caps and grade beams.
  • SOG - Produce accurate designs of post-tensioned foundations slabs on expansive soils using PTI recommendations and requirements such as plan irregularities, steps in slabs and varying soil properties.
  • FELT-3D - Easily create shop drawings and calculate post-tensioned slab losses due to friction, elongation, seating and long-term stress for an entire slab.

* ADAPT-Builder download link provides demo version of the software.

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