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Program Description

Structural design software for analysing and designing reinforced concrete beams, slabs, columns and piles.

ADC is the ultimate beam design software for concrete column design. Using this column design software you can analyse and design piles, columns, beams, solid slabs and ribbed slabs straightforward, working to EC2, BS8110 and Hong Kong design codes. It also checks the reinforcement detailing to ensure that the design is code-compliant and buildable.


  • Design to EC2, BS8110, Hong Kong, ACI 318, AS3600 and IS 456 design codes
  • Wizards to guide you in setting up the model
  • Work in a variety of units, whether preset SI, kN-m, kip-ft or kip-in unit sets, or specify them individually for each component
  • Use standard steel and concrete material grades and rebar or define your own
  • ADC checks the reinforcement detailing to ensure that the design is code-compliant and buildable

* ADC download link provides trial version of the software.

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