CESDb > Structural Analysis > AndTruss2D
AndTruss2D screenshot
DEVELOPER :Thodoris Bougas
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:2921
Program Description

The creation of a geometry model that approximates the shape of the actual physical problem is the first step before performing any kind of engineering analysis. AndTruss2D offers a built-in model creation system, but it is not quite sophisticated and it is more suitable for editing an existing model. Also, after trying out some CAD applications for smartphones and tablets I found out that they are less productive and intuitive than their desktop counterparts because of the limited screen sizes, and bescause touch input is not so accurate as mouse+keyboard. For these reasons AndTruss2D offers 20 truss templates that enable the user to set up a common truss model quickly. However, it is impossible to cover all possible truss geometries with just 20 templates.

AndTruss2D is a useful application for engineers (civil engineers, mechanical engineers, architects etc) It is used for linear static analysis of plane trusses with the Finite Element Method. It provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface that enables the user to set up quickly the static model and view the results after the analysis process.

* AndTruss2D download link provides freeware version of the software.

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