CESDb > Earthquake Engineering > ArcelorMittal INERD
ArcelorMittal INERD screenshot
DEVELOPER :ArcelorMittal
VERSION :1.0.0
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:719
Program Description

The INERD concept is an additional constructive system independent of analysis and design that can be applied to reinforced concrete frame structures. It intends to bring to the structure the robustness required by Eurocode 1 [prEN 1991-1-7: 2004 §1.5.14], i.e. “the ability of the structure to withstand events like fire, explosions, impact or the consequences of human error, without being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause”. The particular objective of the INERD system is to avoid progressive failure, i.e. a chain in which a local failure at the bottom storey generates a global failure out of proportion with the original local problem. 

More precisely, the INERD concept for concrete frames consists in placing a steel profile inside the reinforced concrete columns of the ground storey of the building. This profile is not considered in the structural design, which is carried out as usual for RC structures, and is assumed to act as a safety belt activated only in case of unexpected deficiencies of the concrete under earthquake action, due for example to presence of infill panels, uncertainties on the seismic action and in particular on its vertical component, uncertainties on the actual concrete properties. 

The essential purpose of the INERD software is to help the designer for the selection of the most appropriate profile to be placed inside the concrete columns of the bottom storey in order to prevent the occurrence of soft storey mechanisms.

* ArcelorMittal INERD download link provides freeware version of the software.

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