CESDb > Structural Analysis > ASCE702S
ASCE702S screenshot
DEVELOPER :Alex Tomanovich
PLATFORM :Spreadsheet
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:2803
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that ASCE702S is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

ASCE702S is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of flat roof snow loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-02 Code. Specifically, coefficients and related and required parameters are selected or calculated in order to compute the net design snow loads, including snow drift due on lower roofs and rain-on-snow surcharge.

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program specifically follows Section 7.0, Snow Loads, of the ASCE 7-02 Standard, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".

2. This program assumes only snow loading analysis for buildings with a flat roof, or low slope roof <= 5 degrees. (Note: for reference, a 1:12 roof slope equates to 4.76 degrees, and the program allows a slope up to 1.05:12.)

3. This program addresses only balanced snow loading, snow drifts on lower roofs, and rain-on-snow surcharge loading. Unbalanced roof snow loads are not considered.

4. This program assumes the possibility of either leeward or windward snow drifts, and the larger of the two calculated drift heights per the code is used as the design drift height. Leeward drift results from snow blown off a high roof onto a lower roof. Windward drift results from snow blown against a rojection or wall below a high roof.

5. This program determines any rain-on-snow surcharge loading when applicable. Rain-on-snow surcharge loading is not required for ground snow loads, pg > 20 psf, nor for roof slopes >= 0.5:12 (2.38 degrees). This program conservatively combines the rain-on-snow surcharge loading with snow drift loading. However, per Code, rain-on-snow surcharge loading need not be combined (superimposed) with snow drift loading.

6. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box” is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

* ASCE702S download link provides freeware version of the software.

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