CESDb > Structural Design > ASTRA Pro
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Program Description

The simplest and versatile software for structural analysis and design of bridges with super structures, sub structures, foundations, hydrological analysis, culverts, underpasses.

ASTRA Pro software from TechSOFT Engineering Services is based on Structural modeling technique and is today’s established name in offering the users all the facilities of structural analysis in the simplest way. It accepts User’s data in the form of Text Data or Interactive data. It offers the facility to use commonly formatted data structures to create automatic modeling and then to go for Analysis to generate Detail Report to display visual presentation of Animated model for Load deflection and finally to create CAD drawings for Reinforcement Detailing, 3D dynamic rotation view, Bar bending schedule and Take off quantity. 

Applications for Structural Analysis:

  • Static Analysis of Structures for Member Load, Joint Load, Area Load, Repeat Load, etc.
  • Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Response Spectra,
  • Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Eigen Values,
  • Dynamic Analysis of Structures for Time History Analysis,
  • Use of Beam, Truss, Plate/Shell elements,
  • Analysis of Bridge Deck by Grillage method,
  • Analysis of Bridge Deck with Moving Loads IRC Class A, 70R Tracked and Wheeled, Class AA etc,
  • Analysis of Multi Storeyed Building Frame Structures for Member End Forces & Support Reactions,
  • In-built CAD graphics is applied to display Structural geometry and various results instantly

Applications for Design of Bridges:

  • Design of RCC T_Beam Bridge with Deck Slab, Long and Cross Girders with Analysis.
  • Design of RCC & Steel Composite Bridge with Deck Slab and Steel Girders with Analysis,
  • Design of Pre Stressed Girder Bridges , with Analysis,
  • Design of PSC Box Girder Bridge with Analysis,
  • Design of Cable Stayed Bridge by Analysis
  • Design of Steel Built up Plate Girder Railway Bridges with Analysis,
  • Design of Open Web Girder Steel Truss Bridge with Computation of DL, SIDL, LL and Analysis
  • Design of Steel Warren Truss Bridges with Analysis,
  • Design of RCC Cantilever and Counter fort Abutments with Seismic effects
  • Design of RCC Pier with Analysis
  • Design of Bridge Bearing
  • Design of RCC Well Foundations
  • Design of RCC Pile Foundations,
  • Computing Stream Hydrology & Hydrograph with DTM, Contours of Catchment Terrain
  • Computing Scour Depth & Founding Depth by Hydrological calculations for
  • The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement Detailing drawings
  • In-built CAD graphics system is applied for General Arrangement, Reinforcement Detailing etc.

Applications for Design of Culverts and Underpasses:

  • Design of RCC Box Culvert.
  • Design of Single & Multi pipe Culvert,
  • Design of RCC Slab Culvert,
  • Design of RCC Pedestrian Underpass,
  • Design of RCC Vehicular Underpass,
  • The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement Detailing drawings
  • In-built CAD graphics system is very sophisticated with drawing and dimensions

Applications for Design of Structural Components:

  • Design of RCC One way, Continuous and Two way Floor slabs.
  • Design of RCC Beams,
  • Design of RCC Columns,
  • Design of RCC Footings,
  • The designs are produced with Detail Report and Reinforcement Detailing drawings
  • In-built CAD graphics system is applied for 3D Structural View, Drawing and Bar Schedules etc.

* ASTRA Pro download link provides trial version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Arvind Singh Rawat
How can we get this Software? Link is not working.
Dabir Uddin Ahmed
Good software. Please send me link to download...
Samuel Mulatu
Thank you i love it and it is very interesting
Roger Komandu
Thanks for the software that helps design engineers accelerate their structural analysis and calculation that could take very longtime if done manually.
Midou Pacha
Thank you for your good jobs, it is very interesting
Vidya Shankar
Not a worth buying. It does not generate actual drawings. User has to edit the some not-to-scale drawing for their needs. majority of portion is to be done manually and sales person is very adamant to accept this. Dont go for this.

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ASTRA Pro has been rated 3.8 out of 5 points. A total of 28 votes cast and 6 users reviewed the software.

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