ATENA screenshot
VERSION :5.7.0
FILE SIZE :1850.52 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1813
Program Description

Advanced Tool for Engineering Nonlinear Analysis. Software for analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. ATENA stands for Advanced Tool for Engineering Nonlinear Analysis.

Simulates real behavior of concrete and reinforced concrete structures including concrete cracking, crushing and reinforcement yielding. Gives engineers the power to check and verify their concrete stuctures in a user friendly and unique graphical enviroment. ATENA has over 1000 installations worldwide (Germany, Japan, India, China, USA, Finland, UK, Italy, South Korea, Australia, Thailand… etc. ).

Key Features :

  • Simulates the real behaviour of reinforced concrete structures
  • 3D environment
  • User friendly modelling of reinforcement
  • Unigue visualization of crack propagation
  • Real-time display of results even during the nonlinear analysis
  • Based on finite element method and fracture mechanics
  • Advanced material models for concrete, reinforcement, steel, rock, soil and masonry
  • Support for the analysis of modern fibre reinforced concrete materials: SHCC, ECC, HPRFC, UHPFRC
  • Dynamics, statics, creep, thermal and moisture analyses

* ATENA download link provides demo version of the software.

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