CESDb > Structural Design > Beam Column In & Out of Plane
Beam Column In & Out of Plane screenshot
SOFTWARE :Beam Column In & Out of Plane
DEVELOPER :Antonio Agüero
FILE SIZE :Web Application
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:136
Program Description

The following application allows determining the movements, forces, and resistant capacity of compressed pieces, bent along the strong, weak axis, and torsion with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling. To achieve this, the magnitudes of equivalent imperfections are obtained, and the imperfect structure is analyzed. The analysis is performed in-plane and out-of-plane of the structure.


To determine the forces and movements present in perfect and imperfect structures with linear and nonlinear behavior and to determine the resistance of the sections used. The analysis is carried out in-plane and out-of-plane of the structure.


The shape of the section, dimensions, materials, loads, and boundary conditions within and outside the plane are selected. Different graphs are obtained as results, showing the forces and movements of the perfect and imperfect structure in linear and nonlinear calculation, and the proximity of the sections to their ultimate strength.


With the following tools, the elastic and plastic design of slender steel structures with Class 1, 2 plastic behavior, or 3 elastic behavior, susceptible to experiencing compression, bending, or flexo-compression buckling, is facilitated.

* Beam Column In & Out of Plane download link provides freeware version of the software.

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