CESDb > Structural Analysis > BlasTDOF
BlasTDOF screenshot
DEVELOPER :Christian Viau
VERSION :0.1.3
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:337
Program Description

BlasTDOF is a free-to-use two-degree-of-freedom (TDOF) blast analysis software.

Software Features

  • Effects of Realistic Connections : A step above single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) analysis. Two-degree-of-freedom (TDOF) analysis allows you to include the effects of realistic end connections in blast analsys and design.
  • Blast Analyis and Design : Designing against a blast threat is iterative in nature. BlasTDOF's algorithm allows designers and researchers to easily and quickly modify design parameters and achieve specific performance requirements without the need to modify spreadsheets or code.
  • Pressure-Impulse Diagrams : Based on the specified structural member and end connections, pressure-impulse diagrams can be generated based on user defined damage criteria and threats.
  • Pressure-Time History Generation : Idealized pressure-time histories can be generated based on a triangular pressure-time curve or back-calculated from user-defined TNT equivalent explosive masses and stand-off distances, based on UFC 340-02. Alternatively, pressure-time histories can be input as a series of pressure-time data points defined by the user.
  • User-Friendly GUI : BlasTDOF's GUI allows users to easily enter and modify inputs, and perform analyses without the need for external applications. Results are presented directly to the user, which can then be easily exported to external applications.
  • Software Updates and License : BlasTDOF uses ClickOnce deployment technology , allowing it to automatically check for and install new versions of itself everytime you open it. Best of all, BlasTDOF is free to use!

About BlasTDOF

  • Two-Degrees-of-Freedom: BlasTDOF transforms a realistic structural assembly, consisting of a continuous load-bearing element and its end connections, into an equivalent two springs in series system.
  • Numerical Method: The BlasTDOF numerical algorithm iteratively solves two equations-of-motion. This is done using the unconditionally stable constant average acceleration method.
  • Experimental Validation: BlasTDOF is undergoing continuous validation using results from dynamic shock tube testing. These are done at the University of Ottawa Shock Tube Test Facility.

* BlasTDOF download link provides freeware version of the software.

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