BorinGS, a computer program for drafting boring logs and well-completion logs, was developed by Gookin Software, LLC. From printing blank logs for field use to inputting field data to generating high-quality logs, BorinGS is easy to use, highly customizable, and requires little to no training.
Both US customary and SI (metric) units are supported; data may be entered in one system and printed in the other set of units. Entering subsurface information is easy using the formatted data entry screens. A built-in spell-checker in included, along with a customizable dictionary. Save multiple boring logs in one file and show up to seven laboratory data columns in each log. BorinGS also can handle dual-pipe well installations.
Output features include use of customizable boring templates, a feature to generate a key to borings with samplers and soil tyepes used on the log. Additional features include the ability to continue material descriptions across page breaks, a page-preview feature, high-quality printed output, batch printing of all borings logs in a file, the ability to print blank boring forms for use in the field, and output of pages to JPEG format for inclusion in reports.
Input Features
- Intuitive data input screens
- Pull-down input boxes speed data input
- Built-in support for single/dual USCS symbols
- User-definable material types
- User-definable sampler types
- Up to seven laboratory data columns
- Spell-checker with customizable dictionary
- Import company logos
- Show images in laboratory columns
Output Features
- Customizable templates
- Generate key with samplers and soil types used on log
- Automatically continue material descriptions across page breaks
- Built-in print preview
- High quality printed output
- Print all logs in file at once
- Print blank logs or logs with pre-printed headers for use in the field
- Output pages to JPEG for inclusion in reports
* BorinGS download link provides trial version of the software for Windows and Mac OSX.
Boring, Borehole and Well Logs
The WinLoG extension module of GaeaSynergy can be used to quickly and easily create, edit and print boring logs, borehole logs and well logs for a variety of industries.
Geotechnical Engineering Boring Logs
SO-Log generates boring logs as a means to summarize and report several tests performed within a geotechnical engineering project.
LOGitEASY provides a free online service (Free Logs) for creating report-quality boring logs.
Soil boring logs and well construction diagrams
Well Logger software lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams.
Boring Log and Test Pit Graphical Reports
SuperLog generates boring log and test pit graphical reports for field drilling and geotechnical investigations. It is a user-friendly, easy to learn, powerful, and flexible program, which will increase your productivity significantly.
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