CESDb > Structural Analysis > BSTunnelLining
BSTunnelLining screenshot
SOFTWARE :BSTunnelLining
DEVELOPER :Yong Technology
VERSION :0.1.1
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:215
Program Description

BSTunnelLining is a segmental tunnel lining analysis software program. The segments, joints, and surrounding ground are simulated with beams and springs using finite element method. BSTunnelLining can be used to analyze multi-ring segmental tunnel lining under arbitrary distributed and concentrated loadings. It presents the tunnel lining model and finite element model in 2D and 3D views.

It has built-in longitudinal coupled joint springs, circumferential point-point and line-line joint springs, ground normal and tangential springs. The coupled joint spring can be used to couple the joint shear stiffness or rotational stiffness with spring compression force. The joint springs can be fully customized with JavaScript functions to meet various nonlinear requirements. The ground springs and circumferential line-line springs are springs distributed along the full length of the associated beam elements, not those only on the element nodes. The ground normal springs are compression only.

BSTunnelLining presents the analysis results in the format of graphs and data tables. The graphs can be directly export to svg, png, and pdf file format. The data tables can be directly used in spread sheets. The results include segment moment, axial force, shear force, deformation, ground reaction, joint deformation and force and moment, and normal and tangential loads presentation.

* BSTunnelLining download link provides freeware version of the software.

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