CESDb > Environmental Engineering > Buildings LCA
Buildings LCA screenshot
VERSION :2.1.6
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:362
Program Description

Buildings LCA is a simplified tool that let mobile/tablet users in Android/Apple devices to have an easy-friendly lifecycle calculation. The aim of the Buildings LCA application is to perform simplified Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) at the product level and at the building level, according EN 15804:2012 and EN 15978:2011. Moreover, the analysis is performed taking into account the modular concept of EN15804:2012.

The application enables three different scopes for the LCA: (i) a cradle-to-gate analysis; (ii) a cradle-to-gate analysis plus end-of-life recycling and (iii) a cradle-to-grave analysis plus end-of-life recycling.

* Buildings LCA download link provides freeware version of the software.

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