CESDb > Structural Analysis > cColumns
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SOFTWARE :cColumns
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1974
Program Description

cColumn (formerly known as RcSections) is a powerful 32-bit Windows program designed specifically for structural engineers to perform axial-flexural analysis and design of concrete columns (as well as beams and shear walls) according to ACI 318-11/08/05/02 and ACI 318-99. It analyzes the uniaxial- or biaxial-bending capacity of multiple sections of various regular shapes (rectangular, round, Tee, I, L) and generic shapes (with openings) simultaneously in a fast and user-friendly manner. Multiple load sets may be input and checked against section capacities. It features tabulated strain-P-M at every user defined neutral axis step, 2D P-Mx and P-My interaction diagrams, and incredible 3D P-Mx-My interaction surface built upon OpenGL(R)!

Key Features

  • Codes: ACI 318-08, -05, -02 and -99
  • Unit: English, Metric or Mixed
  • Section Shapes: Unlimited number of rectangular, tee, circular, I, inverse L and generic (with up to 3 openings) sections. Ability to convert various regular sections to generic sections. Ability to parametrically generate multiple rectangular or circular sections with different sizes and reinforcement configurations. Great tool for shortening the trial-and-error design process
  • Loads: Unlimited number of load sets (Pu, Mux, Muy). Adequacy of each section to carry the loads is computed in terms of simple capacity ratio
  • Column slenderness may be considered
  • Solver: Unique, exact and blazingly fast solution algorithms that can accurately solve hundreds even thousands of sections uniaxially or biaxially simultaneously in seconds. Solution options include strength reduction factor, tied or spiral confinement, variable number of neutral axis steps, variable biaxial angle steps, variable axial steps for display and inclusion or exclusion of displaced concrete
  • Result Data: Very detailed result data tabulated in spreadsheets. P-M result includes neutral axis depth, eccentricity, maximum tensile strain and strength reduction factor, as well as axial capacity P and moment capacity M
  • Diagrams: 2D P-Mx, P-My and Mx-My interaction diagram and 3D P-Mx-My interaction surface or wire-frame. Key points shown automatically on the interaction diagrams. Input loads shown with different colors on the 2D/3D diagrams or surface denoting the adequacy of the section for each load
  • Printing: Automatic printing of very impressive interaction diagrams for multiple sections. If you happen to have PDF making software, you will be able to create your very own design handbook similar to CRSI Handbook
User Interface Features
  • Easy input through menus, toolbars, dialog boxes and spreadsheet
  • Multiple images such as section geometry, P-M interaction diagrams may be captured automatically. Captured images may be saved or printed
  • Results detailed in the spreadsheets. May be copied and pasted to your favorite spreadsheet program such as EXCEL (So you may even construct interaction diagrams of your own style!)
  • Other nice features such as undo/redo, multiple document interface, multiple views, real-time zooming, panning and rotation, and customizable report in ASCII text file format or HTML file format

* cColumns download link provides demo version of the software.

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