CESDb > Structural Analysis > Cross Section Analysis & Design
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SOFTWARE :Cross Section Analysis & Design
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:2154
Program Description

Cross Section Analysis & Design is a powerful application that can perform a wide range of cross section calculations, including the design of reinforced concrete sections. The given cross sections are built up of one or more geometric entities and can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface. The user can also import standard steel sections from a complete shape library according to all major codes (AISC, Australian-New Zealand, BS, Chinese, European, Indian, Aluminum etc. )

There are no limitations regarding the shape, materials or loads of a section, since the program can handle any arbitrary cross section under biaxial bending and axial loads. Among its capabilities, Cross Section Analysis & Design can calculate all sectional properties, plot Moment - Curvature and Interaction diagrams, estimate the location of neutral axis under given sets of biaxial loads and plot the corresponding stress - strain diagrams as well as the resulting stress contours. The last-named items can also be calculated by providing the location of the neutral axis plane on the section.

Moreover, the program fully complies with the following codes concerning reinforced concrete sections:

  • UBC
  • AS 3600
  • IS 456
  • ACI 318
  • BS 8110
  • CSA A233
  • EC2
  • NZS 3101
  • CP 65

The user can also perform a reinforcement design according to above listed codes, plot the matching interaction diagrams etc. , or even check a given reinforcement amount for the specified load cases.

The stress - strain curve of concrete, reinforcement and other materials is specified as per the defined Analysis Parameters Sets. Thus calculations can be performed for many design situations, such as Ultimate/Serviceability or custom defined Limit States, with an automatic adjustment of the material properties, safety factors etc.

A large material library is also available according to almost all concrete/reinforcement material specifications. Apart from concrete and reinforcement materials, the user can specify custom linear, bilinear, trilinear parabolic or fully general materials.

* Cross Section Analysis & Design download link provides demo version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
tin GRCT
Here can we use Sectprop software because I got sectprop software from here but it is excel file? So I still don't know how to use sectprop software and sectprop software is excel file or not. Please suggest to me how to use and buy sectprop software. Thanks

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Cross Section Analysis & Design has been rated 4.9 out of 5 points. A total of 85 votes cast and 1 users reviewed the software.

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