Antonio Agüero is the developer of 12 civil engineering softwares currently listed at CESDb. Please visit developers website https://researchgate.net/profile/Antonio-Agueero for software support, product updates, licenses and other information about LTBEAMCOLUMNDESIGN, Thinwallres Open&Closed, Buckling Resistance, ThinWallRes, Arch3D, Beam Column Imperfection.
Arch3D makes it possible to determine the resistant capacity of compressed and flexed arches with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling.
Plane Beahvior Of Arch With Geometric Imperfection
ArchPlane2D makes it possible to determine the resistant capacity of compressed and flexed arches with a double tee section, susceptible to buckling in their plane.
Movements, Forces, And Load-Carrying Capacity Of Compressed And Flexural Elements
Application allows to determine the movements, efforts and resistant capacity of the compressed parts, leaned according to strong axis, weak and torsion with double section, capable of buckling laterally.
The following application allows determining the movements, forces, and resistant capacity of compressed pieces, bent along the strong, weak axis, and torsion with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling.
Buckling Resistance and Geometric Imperfections of Columns
The following application allows determining the resistant capacity of bi-supported columns of open thin-walled sections subjected to axial stress and the equivalent geometric imperfections.
Analysis of Imperfect Frame 3D
The Frame3D application makes it possible to determine the resistant capacity of compressed and flexed frames with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling.
Resistant Capacity Of Compressed And Flexed Frames
FramePlane2D application allows determining the resistant capacity of compressed and flexed frames with a double tee section, susceptible to buckling in its plane.
Critical Loads and Analysis of Imperfect Structures
The following application allows determining the resistance capacity of compressed and deflected pieces with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling.
ThinWallRes allows to determine the resistance capacity of open thin-walled sections.
Resistance Of Open And Closed Thin Walled Sections Under Biaxial Bending And Axial Force
ThinWallRes N My Mz allows to determine the resistant capacity of open and closed thin-walled sections subjected to axial and biaxial bending.
Resistant Capacity Of Open Thin-Walled Sections
ThinWallRes N My Mz B allows determining the resistant capacity of open thin-walled sections subjected to axial, biaxial and bi-moment bending.
Elastic and Plastic Resistance of Open and Thin Walled Sections
Thinwallres Open&Closed application allows to determine the resistance capacity of open and closed thin-walled sections