CESDb > Developers > ASDIP Structural Software
ASDIP Structural Software

Design Structural Elements in Concrete, Steel and Masonry, such as Beams, Columns Footings and Walls per latest Building Codes and Design Theories.

CESDb currently lists 5 software developed by ASDIP Structural Software, including ASDIP Foundation, ASDIP Retain, ASDIP Concrete, ASDIP Steel, ASDIP.

You can also visit developers official website http://asdipsoft.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by ASDIP Structural Software
ASDIP Version:4.1.3 · Hit:1231

Structural Design Suite

Our 13-module structural suite with a broad range of design solutions required by the structural engineers of today, including concrete, steel, and masonry.

ASDIP Concrete Version:4.4.7 · Hit:2489
ASDIP Concrete

Design of Concrete members per the latest IBC, ACI 318 specifications

ASDIP Concrete is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete members such as beams, columns and walls, based on the latest ACI 318 specifications.

ASDIP Foundation Version:4.3.9 · Hit:2911
ASDIP Foundation

Concrete Footing Design per the latest IBC, ACI 318 specifications

ASDIP Foundation is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete footings, based on the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

ASDIP Retain Version:4.7.6 · Hit:2748
ASDIP Retain

Retaining Wall Design per the latest IBC, ACI 318 specifications

ASDIP Retain is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of retaining walls, based on the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

ASDIP Steel Version:4.6.5 · Hit:2005

Steel Design per the latest AISC specifications

ASDIP Steel is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of structural steel members, based on the latest AISC specifications (AISC 360), that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

Similar Software From Other Developers
Structural Masonry Design System Version:7.2 · National Concrete Masonry Association
Structural Masonry Design System

Masonry Design

The SMDS software is a component software package specifically designed to engineer masonry.

cColumns Version:6.0 · Computations & Graphics, Inc

Axial-Flexural Analysis and Design of Concrete Columns, Beams and Shear Walls

cColumn formerly known as RcSections is a powerful 32-bit Windows program designed specifically for structural engineers to perform axial-flexural analysis and design of concrete columns as well as beams and shear walls according to ACI 318-11/08/05/02 and ACI 318-99.

Direct Design Version:3.1 · National Concrete Masonry Association
Direct Design

Accelerated Masonry Building Design

NCMAs Direct Design Software can reduce the time required to engineer many single-story masonry structures from days to just minutes.

Cross Section Analysis & Design Version:3.9 · EngiSSol
Cross Section Analysis & Design

Structural Cross Sections (concrete, steel, composite etc.)

Cross Section Analysis and Design can handle structural cross sections that are built up of one or more geometric entities and can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface.

Diamonds Version:2021 · Buildsoft

Structural Analysis of Steel, Concrete and Timber Constructions

Diamonds is the perfect software for analysis of steel, concrete and timber structures.

Comments & Reviews
Akm Islam
Akm Islam· 9 Mar 2015
What is the price and how to pay?...
Manuel Almanon
Manuel Almanon· 28 Dec 2011
I really wanted to have this software on my field of duties, I'm contract for building construction, I hope could ha...
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