Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Metallique - France. Programs developed by CTICM including Portal, LTBeam, EBPlate
CESDb currently lists 6 software developed by CTICM, including LTBeam, EBPlate, Portal, ACUDO, A3C: ArcelorMittal Columns Calculator, MACS+.
You can also visit developers official website http://cticm.com/ for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.
ArcelorMittal-CTICM Columns Calculator
The A3C software allows the designer to perform the detailed verification of a single steel member or a composite steel-concrete column according to the rules of the Eurocodes.
Accumulation of Water in Buildings Roofs
ACUDO is an Excel application which examines the effect of water accumulation phenomenon in a building roofs.
EBPlate is a piece of software developed by CTICM with a partial funding of the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). It assesses the critical stresses associated to the elastic buckling of plates loaded in their plan.
Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams
LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.
Membrane Actions of Composite Structures in Case of Fire
This software designs composite floor slabs at elevated temperatures by taking into account the enhancing effects of the membrane action in slab.
Predesign of Portal Frames According to Eurocode 3
PORTAL is a software to be used for the pre-design of single bay steel portal frames according to ENV and ENV 1993-1-1 for resistance checks.