CESDb > Developers > EngiSSol

Structural Software: Frame Analysis, Section Analysis, FEM solvers and Design libraries, c# Frame 3d library, Eurocode c# design library, custom software for structural analysis and design

CESDb currently lists 4 software developed by EngiSSol, including 2D Truss Analysis, 2D Frame Analysis Static Edition, 2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition, Cross Section Analysis & Design.

You can also visit developers official website http://engissol.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by EngiSSol
2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition Version:2.0 · Hit:3973
2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition

Dynamic Frame Analysis

2D Frame Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (beam elements) in order to perform static and dynamic analysis of beams, frames and trusses.

2D Frame Analysis Static Edition Version:2.0 · Hit:6237
2D Frame Analysis Static Edition

Static Frame Analysis

2D Frame Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (beam elements) in order to perform static analysis of beams, frames and trusses.

2D Truss Analysis Version:2.0 · Hit:9781
2D Truss Analysis

Truss Analysis

2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform static analysis of trusses.

Cross Section Analysis & Design Version:3.9 · Hit:2166
Cross Section Analysis & Design

Structural Cross Sections (concrete, steel, composite etc.)

Cross Section Analysis and Design can handle structural cross sections that are built up of one or more geometric entities and can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface.

Similar Software From Other Developers
RSTAB Version:8.23 · Dlubal Software

Structural Frame & Truss Analysis

RSTAB is the ideal tool for the design of beam, frame, or truss structures consisting of steel, reinforced concrete, timber, aluminum, or other materials.

Plane Frame Analysis for Static Loads Version:1.09 · David Childs
Plane Frame Analysis for Static Loads

Bending Moments, Axial and Shears Forces in a Plane Frame

A Plane Frame Analysis for bending moments, axial and shears forces in a plane frame structure under point loads, UDL's, linearly varying distributed loads (soil pressures) and moments.

FRAME Version:1.1 · Alex Tomanovich

Portal and Gable Rigid Plane Frame Analysis

FRAME is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of plane frame analysis of portal and gable rigid plane frames subjected to various types of loading.

CADRE Section Profiler Version:2.6 · CADRE Analytic
CADRE Section Profiler

Design and analysis of custom cross section profiles

CADRE Profiler is used to design section profiles and determine their geometric properties for custom beam cross sections which can be composed of different materials

FIN EC Version:2021 · Fine Ltd

Design and analysis of 2D and 3D frame structures

Program suite FIN EC is a great tool for design and static and dynamic analysis of 2D and 3D frame structures.

Comments & Reviews
tin GRCT
tin GRCT· 18 Apr 2022
Here can we use Sectprop software because I got sectprop software from here but it is excel file? So I still don't k...
Kme Afg
Kme Afg· 29 Oct 2018
Some software not available i kindly demand to release all of them to me...
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