CESDb > Developers > Golden Software
Golden Software

Golden Software - Makers of Surfer, Grapher, Voxler, MapViewer, Didger and Strater Software.

CESDb currently lists 6 software developed by Golden Software, including Voxler, Surfer, Strater, Grapher, Didger, MapViewer.

You can also visit developers official website http://goldensoftware.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by Golden Software
Didger Version:5 · Hit:1150

Digitizing & Coordinate Conversion

Didger is a highly accurate digitizing program that will be an invaluable addition to your software library.

Grapher Version:17.2 · Hit:1265

2D & 3D Graphing

Grapher is the only graphing program you will ever need. Create powerful stunning graphs quickly and efficiently. Ideal for scientists, engineers, and business professionals.

MapViewer Version:8 · Hit:452

Thematic Maps & Spatial Analysis

MapViewer is an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to easily produce publication-quality thematic maps

Strater Version:5.7 · Hit:1682

Well Log & Borehole Plotting

Strater is a powerful and innovative well log, borehole and cross section plotting software package for geoscientists.

Surfer Version:20.1 · Hit:2160

Contouring & Surface Mapping

Golden Softwares Surfer software is a full-function 3D visualization, contouring and surface modeling package that runs under Microsoft Windows.

Voxler Version:4.6 · Hit:2439

3D Well Data and Modeling

Create powerful, fast, customized 3D images of your data with Voxler 2.

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