CESDb > Developers > Gookin Software
Gookin Software

Gookin Software is the developer of BorinGS, a fast, easy way to turn handwritten boring- and well-completion logs into report quality output.

CESDb currently lists 1 software developed by Gookin Software, including BorinGS.

You can also visit developers official website https://gookinsoftware.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by Gookin Software
BorinGS Version:4.8 · Hit:1129

Drafting of Boring and Well-Completion Logs

BorinGS is a software for drafting boring logs and well-completion logs. BorinGS gives you high quality output with customizable columns, hatch patterns, and page layouts.

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SO-Log Version:1.2 · Soil Office

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LOGitEASY Version:2020 · ICD Services

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Well Logger Version:3.0.1 · Porpoise Media
Well Logger

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Well Logger software lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams.

Comments & Reviews
Peter Mashumba
Peter Mashumba· 18 Aug 2022
I am a new BorinGS user and I cannot find how to print my logs in JPEG format for use inclusion in reports....
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