Gookin Software is the developer of BorinGS, a fast, easy way to turn handwritten boring- and well-completion logs into report quality output.
CESDb currently lists 1 software developed by Gookin Software, including BorinGS.
You can also visit developers official website https://gookinsoftware.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.
Drafting of Boring and Well-Completion Logs
BorinGS is a software for drafting boring logs and well-completion logs. BorinGS gives you high quality output with customizable columns, hatch patterns, and page layouts.
Boring, Borehole and Well Logs
The WinLoG extension module of GaeaSynergy can be used to quickly and easily create, edit and print boring logs, borehole logs and well logs for a variety of industries.
Geotechnical Engineering Boring Logs
SO-Log generates boring logs as a means to summarize and report several tests performed within a geotechnical engineering project.
LOGitEASY provides a free online service (Free Logs) for creating report-quality boring logs.
Fast and Efficient Manner of Entering Pile Data
Pile Technician was developed for the FDOT to provide a fast and efficient manner of entering Pile data to calculate payment for work preformed by the contractor.
Soil boring logs and well construction diagrams
Well Logger software lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams.