CESDb > Developers > Hydrologic Engineering Center
Hydrologic Engineering Center

The official public website of the Hydrologic Engineering Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

CESDb currently lists 9 software developed by Hydrologic Engineering Center, including HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, HEC-SSP, HEC-ResSim, HEC-FIA, HEC-ResPRM.

You can also visit developers official website https://hec.usace.army.mil for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by Hydrologic Engineering Center
HEC-EFM Version:5.0 · Hit:643

The Ecosystem Functions Model

The Ecosystem Functions Model (HEC-EFM) is designed to help study teams determine ecosystem responses to changes in the flow regime of a river or connected wetland.

HEC-FDA Version:1.4.2 · Hit:684

Flood Damage Reduction Analysis

The Flood Damage Reduction Analysis (HEC-FDA) software provides the capability to perform an integrated hydrologic engineering and economic analysis during the formulation and evaluation of flood risk management plans.

HEC-FIA Version:3.1 · Hit:1090

Flood Impact Analysis

The HEC-FIA Flood Impact Analysis software package analyzes the consequences from a flood event.

HEC-HMS Version:4.7.1 · Hit:4261

Hydrologic Modeling System

The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is designed to simulate the complete hydrologic processes of dendritic watershed systems.

HEC-RAS Version:6.0 · Hit:9686

River Analysis System

HEC-RAS is designed to perform one-dimensional hydraulic calculations for a full network of natural and constructed channels.

HEC-ResPRM Version:1.0 · Hit:762

Prescriptive Reservoir Model

HEC-ResPRM is a reservoir system operations optimization software package developed to assist planners, operators, and managers with reservoir operation planning and decision-making.

HEC-ResSim Version:3.1 · Hit:1102

Reservoir System Simulation

The Reservoir System Simulation (HEC-ResSim) software is used to model reservoir operations at one or more reservoirs for a variety of operational goals and constraints.

HEC-RPT Version:2.0 · Hit:413

Regime Prescription Tool

The Regime Prescription Tool (HEC-RPT) is designed to facilitate entry, viewing, and documentation of flow recommendations in real-time, public settings.

HEC-SSP Version:2.2 · Hit:2082

Statistical Analyses Of Hydrologic Data

Statistical Software Package (HEC-SSP) developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center. This software allows you to perform statistical analyses of hydrologic data.

Comments & Reviews
Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson· 16 Sep 2021
Great software, thanks! By the way, try out GeoHECRAS too, working good for my projects....
Wayessa Fita
Wayessa Fita· 30 Jun 2021
I am masters student @Addisa Ababa science and technology university, now i am doing my masters thesis on climate ch...
Tee Xiong
Tee Xiong· 20 Apr 2021
Great softwares and thanks....
Zelalem Brihanu
Zelalem Brihanu· 25 Mar 2021
Very nice software but it does not download...
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