High quality software for structural, geotechnical, pedestrian modelling and email management solutions.
CESDb currently lists 12 software developed by Oasys, including ADC, AdSec, Alp, Oasys Pile, Compos, Frew.
You can also visit developers official website http://oasys-software.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.
Analysing and Designing Reinforced Concrete Beams
Structural design software for analysing and designing reinforced concrete beams, slabs, columns and piles.
AdSec is ideal for tasks such as analysing a bridge beam for cracking under load, designing a composite mega column, checking a pre-stressed floor or finding the capacity of a pile.
This laterally loaded pile analysis software models soil shear failure and non-linear soil behaviour, calculating deflection down the pile together with moments and shear forces within the pile.
Analyse and Design Studded Composite and Non-Composite Steel Beams
Compos is a unique composite beam design software program to analyse and design studded composite and non-composite steel beams.
Embedded Retaining Wall Analysis
Frew enables engineers to define and solve even the most complex embedded retaining wall design problems quickly.
Stability Analysis For Gravity Retaining Walls
Greta analyses the stability of a gravity retaining wall and determines the bending moments and shear forces within the wall.
Simulate Advanced Bridge Engineering Problems
GSA Bridge is easy-to-use bridge analysis software automatically sifts through the multiplicity of possible moving loads to find exactly which the crucial ones for your structure are.
GSA Building is the ultimate building design software, steel structure design software and steel structure analysis program.
Predict Soil Displacement Due To Load
Pdisp is for engineers who need software for soil displacement analysis, soil settlement calculations and soil displacement design.
Pile Load Capacity, Settlement and Surrounding Ground Displacement
Pile calculates the vertical load carrying capacities and vertical settlements of a range of individual piles in a layered soil deposit.
Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis
Solve your geotechnical problem with powerful two-dimensional geotechnical finite element design software.
Two-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis
Slope is feature rich and will aid in the assessment of slopes and the design of engineering solutions for slope stability problems