We create high quality structural analysis software at low cost which run stand alone or may integrate with tools such as Excel or Matlab.
CESDb currently lists 2 software developed by Structures Office, including CompactSections, ThinWalledSections.
You can also visit developers official website https://youtube.com/channel/UCjZ2DGNh5SoIFpgjdM5Ho8w/feed for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.
Elastic and Plastic Bending Analysis
Structures Office supports construction of arbitrary cross-sections, computes area, elastic, and plastic section properties.
ThinWallSections is a software tool for analysis of multi-cell thin-wall sections. Runs Stand Alone and also Integrates tightly with Excel and Matlab.
Water Quality Models and Tools
DFLOW 3. 1 is a Windows-based tool developed to estimate user selected design stream flows for low flow analysis and water quality standards.
Build accurate insurance concrete construction estimates while saving time and money.
A Package for Geotechnical and Structural Engineers
GEOTEC Office is a package for geotechnical and design engineering. The package contains programs such as ELPLA, Bohr, TIEF, Geotools and more.
BIM tools for architectural design, MEP, and structural engineering
Autodesk Revit is building information modeling software for architects, structural engineers, MEP engineers, designers and contractors.
An Integrated System For Finite Element Structural Analysis
SCAD for Windows is a new-generation system developed by engineers for use of engineers and implemented by a team of experienced programmers.