CESDb > Developers > Yakov Polyakov
Yakov Polyakov

Site offers MS Excel spreadsheets for structural engineering, such as continuous beam analysis, design of reinforced concrete columns, calculation of section properties including shear center, prestress losses in post-tensioning cable, AISC boltgroup and weldgroup analysis, AASHTO LRFD prestressed g

CESDb currently lists 13 software developed by Yakov Polyakov, including GoBeam, ShortCol, Surcharge Earth Pressure, Bridge2d, Influence Lines, PSGSimple.

You can also visit developers official website http://yakpol.net for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by Yakov Polyakov
BoltGroup Version:2016 · Hit:2537

Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Group Shear Capacity

BoltGroup computes shear capacity of an eccentrically loaded bolted connection using LRFD instantaneous center of rotation method.

Bridge2d Version:2006 · Hit:3187

Static and Moving Load Analysis of Bridges

Builds two-dimensional bridge models and performs static and moving load analyzes. Uses GT STRUDL as a structural analysis engine.

ColumnShear Version:1.0 · Hit:2714

Shear Capacity and Confinement Reinforcement of Columns

Calculates shear capacity and confinement reinforcement of circular and oblong shape reinforced concrete columns.

GoBeam Version:2019 · Hit:13017

Continuous Beam Analysis for Excel

The easiest and most straight forward continuous beam analysis program available.

Influence Lines Version:2018 · Hit:3027
Influence Lines

Influence Lines In Continuous Beams

This spreadsheet computes influence lines of bending moment and shear force for the sections of continuous beams.

LRFDShear Version:2006 · Hit:1188

AASHTO LRFD Shear Capacity Of Concrete Section

LRFDShear Computes ultimate capacity of reinforced/prestressed concrete members subjected to combined action of shear, flexure, torsion and axial forces.

PSGSimple Version:2007.1 · Hit:2988

Preliminary Design Of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girder

This spreadsheet performs preliminary analysis of a precast prestressed bridge girder at the prestress transfer and service stages.

PSLoss Version:2010.1 · Hit:2547

Prestressing Losses in Post-Tensioned Tendon

Calculates elongations and prestress losses due to friction and anchor set of three-dimensional post-tensioned tendon.

SectProp Version:2010.1 · Hit:2399

Cross-Sectional Properties Of Structural Members

Calculates structural properties of general cross-section. Also calculates torsional properties of thin-walled section including shear center and warping moment of inertia.

ShortCol Version:2020 · Hit:3233

Investigation Of Reinforced Concrete Column Section

ShortCol computes ultimate strength of reinforced concrete column subjected to combined axial force and bending moment.

SmartComb Version:2007 · Hit:1693

Load Combinations and Minimum/Maximum Force Envelopes

Creates load combinations and finds maximum/minimum force envelopes for structural members.

Surcharge Earth Pressure Version:2012 · Hit:3224
Surcharge Earth Pressure

Lateral Pressure on the Retaining Wall Due to Vertical Surcharge

This spreadsheet computes lateral pressure against retaining wall due to vertical surcharge loads.

WeldGroup Version:2016.11 · Hit:2129

Eccentrically Loaded Weld Group Shear Capacity

Implements AISC LRFD method to calculate capacity of weld group under combined action of eccentrically applied in-plane and normal forces.

Comments & Reviews
tin GRCT
tin GRCT· 18 Apr 2022
Can someone please help me how to use sectprop software and sectprop software is excel or not ? Thanks....
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