CESDb > General Tools > DWG FastView Mobile
DWG FastView Mobile screenshot
SOFTWARE :DWG FastView Mobile
DEVELOPER :Gstarsoft
VERSION :4.1.9
PLATFORM :iOS / Android
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:243

Program Description

DWG FastView is a cross-platform CAD software that meets designers’ demands in all kinds of situation, and fully compatible with AutoCAD (DWG, DXF, OCF, DWS, DWT, BMP, JPG, PDF, etc.). Various of CAD functions enables you do CAD work on the go and enjoy the best mobile CAD experience.

View, Edit, Create, & Share all your CAD drawings, synchronize to cloud from multiple devices by one click, enjoy design anytime anywhere together with more than 10 million users around the world.

* DWG FastView Mobile download link provides trial version of the software for Android and IOS.

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