CESDb > Structural Design > EC Praxis 3J
EC Praxis 3J screenshot
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Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that EC Praxis 3J is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

EC PRAXIS 3J is an entirely new software application, for the analysis and design of steel connections according to EC3. It is a powerful tool which can function either as a stand-alone application or in combination with ETABS or SAP2000 (EC PRAXIS 3J for ETABS or for SAP2000). It covers a wide variety of steel connections while the easy and fully parametric data input, the 3D view of the connection (in Open GL), the detailed results report and the automatically created drawings (in . dxf format) undoubtedly make it one of the most trustworthy and user-friendly programs in the market today.

  • Base plate connection
  • Beam to column connection with double angle cleat
  • Beam to column connection with end plate
  • Beam to column connection with fin plate
  • Beam to beam connection with double angle cleat
  • Beam splices with endplates connection
  • Flange and web plates beam splice connection
  • Bracing connection (including hollow profiles)
  • Hollow profile members connection

* EC Praxis 3J download link provides demo version of the software.

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EC Praxis 3J has been rated 2.5 out of 5 points. A total of 2 votes cast and no one has reviewed the software yet.

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