CESDb > Earthquake Engineering > Eurocode 8 Pushover
Eurocode 8 Pushover screenshot
SOFTWARE :Eurocode 8 Pushover
DEVELOPER :EarthquakeApps
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:553
Program Description

The app takes the number of stories, ground acceleration, ground type, spectrum type and the pushover curve in units "mm - kN" as well as first mode shape and calculates the target displacement based on Eurocode 8 (2004 version), Annex B (i.e. the N2 Method). The pushover data can be copied from email or a spreadsheet.

The purpose of this app is to facilitate the implementation of the procedure described in Annex B of Eurocode 8, Part 1. This procedure is used to assess the so-called "target displacement". The estimation of this displacement is necessary after performing a nonlinear static analysis with lateral loading (pushover analysis) to assess the state of the structure for a given seismic action. 

In addition to the graphical solution, the full version of the app displays details about the transformation factor, mass and the value of Target Displacement.

* Eurocode 8 Pushover download link provides freeware version of the software.

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