FAARFIELD 2.1 is the standard thickness design software accompanying AC 150/5320-6G Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation. FAARFIELD stands for FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design. FAARFIELD incorporates full 3D finite element responses to aircraft loads (for new rigid pavements and rigid overlays). The 3D finite element models used for rigid pavement designs are computationally intensive and may result in long run times, depending on the computer characteristics.
Please note that:
- FAARFIELD stands for FAA Rigid and Flexible Iterative Elastic Layered Design. FAARFIELD 2.1 incorporates full 3D finite element responses to aircraft loads for new rigid pavements and rigid overlays. The 3D finite element models used for rigid pavement designs are computationally intensive and may result in long run times, depending on the computer characteristics. Your comments on this program and your suggestions for improvement are appreciated.
- FAARFIELD 2.1 is compatible with Windows™ operating systems. Windows 10 or higher is recommended. Installation instructions are available in the readme file.
- For questions, comments, or further information regarding this program, please contact Dr. David R. Brill, e-mail: david.brill@faa.gov, FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch, ANG-E262.
* FAARFIELD download link provides freeware version of the software.
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