CESDb > Structural Analysis > Fachwerk3D
Fachwerk3D screenshot
SOFTWARE :Fachwerk3D
DEVELOPER :A. Vontobel
VERSION :0.4.5
PLATFORM :Windows / Linux / Mac
LICENSE :GNU General Public License
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1672
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that Fachwerk3D is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

Fachwerk3D is the spatial version of the program Fachwerk. It is aimed at structural engineers who analyse and design reinforced concrete structures. It intends to simplify the application of discontinuous stress fields and strut-and-tie models.

The program calculates strut-and-tie models. It only uses equilibrium conditions. Thus, unlike common programs, it does not assume elastic material behaviour.

If the modelled system is statically indeterminate, Fachwerk3D will nevertheless calculate the forces of the members that are determinate. One can assign forces to the remaining members. If more forces than needed to accomplish a statically determinate system are assigned to members, and the equilibrium condition is not fulfilled, Fachwerk3D will indicate that the system is inconsistent.

  • Easy to use graphical user interface. The model can be easily viewed from different sides. Get used to the program quickly.
  • Just set the member forces in statical indeterminate models. You don't have to assign any member stiffness.
  • Failure mechanisms are detected and drawn. That way it is easy to find missing members in the model or to prove that a system is kinematic and contradicts equilibrium.
  • No unnecessary bearings or members are required. Fachwerk3D allows instable (kinematic) models, as long as equilibrium is fulfilled. This feature is espetially useful for spatial models.

Runs on every platform which runs Java

* Fachwerk3D download link provides gnu general public license version of the software.

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