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SOFTWARE :FastTerrain
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1057
Program Description

In FastTerrain you are able to create, edit and visualize in 3D space digital terrain models. The program includes functionalities for break-lines and holes insertion as well as volume calculations and contours lines creation. With FastTerrain you can estimate excavation volumes by using digital terrain models (DTMs). Perfect choice for Civil Engineers, Surveyors, Architects in every day practice.


  • Terrain model and contours creation.
  • Subtract terrain models and measure the volumes of fills and cuts between them (professional version).
  • Create excavation plan by using a single foundation poly-line (professional version).
  • Optimize terrain models created from contour lines by removing all flat triangles (professional version).

FastTerrain includes a flexible survey data reading interface that allows you to import ascii files exported from other survey software or equipment. Entities can be inserted also from DXF files or directly from AutoCAD via ActiveX technology. The output drawings are exported in DXF files or directly in AutoCAD. FastTerrain is an integrated solution designed for windows XP, Vista, 7.

* FastTerrain download link provides trial version of the software.

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