CESDb > Structural Analysis > FrameDesign
FrameDesign screenshot
SOFTWARE :FrameDesign
DEVELOPER :LetsConstruct
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1355
Program Description

This intuitive and feature rich finite element app is especially useful for civil engineers, mechanical engineers, architects and students who wish to design 2D frames.

You can input and edit hyper static structures, forces, supports etc both graphically and textually. The calculations are performed immediately.

Main features are:

  • F, T and q (rectangular and triangular) loads
  • Fixed and hinge connections at beam ends
  • Moment, Shear, Stress, Deflection, Reaction forces and Unity checks
  • Imposed deflections
  • M, N, V, ux, uz, utot, phi, sigma and unity checks output
  • Fixed, hinge and roller supports in any direction
  • Load cases and load combinations, including safety factors
  • Profile groups; each group can have its own color
  • Import any steel profile or general section from our free Engineering Libraries (EU, UK, AU, US & CA profiles)
  • Import dxf files
  • Export to our Concrete Design and Steel Design apps
  • Share picture
  • Snap points
  • Undo function
  • Annotations
  • Formulas
  • Multi copy
  • Scale entire structure
  • Trim/extend
  • Automatic dimension lines (Autocad look)
  • Element and node numbers
  • Both graphical and textual edit modes
  • Metric & Imperial units
  • Multitouch zoom (pinch zooming)
  • Many options for showing/hiding items
  • Options to set almost all colors in the app
  • Dark and light theme
  • Available in 10 Languages
  • Save your structures in the cloud (CloudConstruct)
  • Built-in simple scientific calculator
  • Wobbly effect

* FrameDesign download link provides freeware version of the software.

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