CESDb > General Tools > FreeMat
FreeMat screenshot
PLATFORM :Windows / Linux / Mac
LICENSE :GNU General Public License
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:516

Program Description

FreeMat is a free open source numerical computing environment and programming language, similar to MATLAB and GNU Octave. In addition to supporting many MATLAB functions and some IDL functionality, it features a codeless interface to external C, C++, and Fortran code, further parallel distributed algorithm development (via MPI), and has plotting and 3D visualization capabilities.

This version brings major feature improvements and changes to the internals of FreeMat. Here is a list of changes:

  • Improved Editor with integrated debugger
  • Improved Main Application UI with dockable workspace browser and command history
  • Just In Time compiler (enabled by default)
  • Greatly improved compatibility with Matlab (over 366 compatibility tests pass)
  • Dynamic linking with BLAS (users can use custom optimized BLAS libraries)
  • Vectorized fprintf, sprintf, fscanf, sscanf functions
  • Added patch handle graphics object
  • Much faster figure drawing
  • Ability to handle huge arrays (more than 2GB) when compiled under 64 bit OS
  • Code profiler

 Internal changes:

  • New array class implementation
  • Compatible type handling
  • JIT compiler
  • CMake build system 

* FreeMat download link provides gnu general public license version of the software for Windows, MacOSX10.4 and FedoraLinux.

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