FStr screenshot
VERSION :1.3.0
FILE SIZE :913.51 MB
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:240
Program Description

The FStr computer application gives to the user an easy and an intuitive elastic buckling analysis, through a Finite Strip Method, and its modal visualization of a thin-walled structural element. Besides the modes, the user can determine the critical buckling load in each critical length.

The formulation uses trigonometric functions in longitudinal direction in series, with the purpose of interpolate the solution inside the strip, and form a shape suitable to any type of end boundary condition. Signature curves are one type of analyse the results, through a set of longitudinal lengths. Then, the user can analyse the critical modes in any critical length. 3D buckling modes, with colorful plots, helps the user to identify the critical buckling mode easily.

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is implemented in the MATLAB App Designer (MATHWORKS, 2000). The purpose of the GUI is to make it easier to the user to set up the data input and to analyze the data output.

The FStr has an accessible and easy graphical user interface, and is conceived to attend research activities as well as engineering design of thin-walled structures with arbitrary cross-sections.

* FStr download link provides freeware version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
João Alfredo De Lazzari
Thank you for sharing the FStr (Finite Strip Computer Application).

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