CESDb > Structural Design > GaLa Reinforcement
GaLa Reinforcement screenshot
SOFTWARE :GaLa Reinforcement
DEVELOPER :Dr. Ilia Alashki
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:10105
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that GaLa Reinforcement is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

GaLa Reinforcement is a free program, developed as a part of Dr. Ilia Alashki Ph. D. thesis in 1997-2002. It is still one of the most powerful programs in the world for calculation of crack widths and cracked concrete stiffness degradation. The program supports non-linear creep, arbitrary cross section geometry, arbitrary reinforcement layout, axial load with double bending moments, etc.

Concrete Design Codes:

  • ACI 318-99, AASHTO LRFD 1997
  • Eurocode 2
  • BS 8110
  • CSA-A23. 3-94
  • BDS 1988, BDS HT 1989
  • NZS 3101-95
  • DIN 1045
  • UBC 97

Analysis Types:

  1. Design Section: The program calculates the necessary area of reinforcing bars.
  2. Check Section: The program checks the capacity of R/C cross-section with predefined reinforcement.
  3. Failure Surface: The program calculates and draws interaction failure surfaces of R/C cross-section with predefined reinforcement.
  4. Stress-strain: The program calculates the strains and stresses of R/C cross-section with predefined reinforcement.
  5. 1/r - EI: The program calculates the curvatures and stiffnesses of R/C cross-section with predefined reinforcement.
  6. 1/r - EI chart: The program calculates and draws the curvature and stiffness charts of R/C cross-section with predefined reinforcement.
  7. Crack widths: The program calculates the crack width and space between the cracks of R/C cross-section with predefined reinforcement.

* GaLa Reinforcement download link provides freeware version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Matija Zavsek
Please follow the instruction bellow:


1. Right-click on the program-link in the Start Menu.
2. Click on Properties.
3. Click on the tab Compatibility Mode.
4. Choose to start the program in compatibility-mode Windows XP
5. Click on Apply and OK.
Abe kkk
I have a windows 10 version installed in my computer, and most of the programs in here are windows 7 version. How can i solve these issues because they are not working on windows 10 most software.
Guilherme Geraldino
Does anyone know which Eurocode method the program utilizes? Nominal Stiffness, Nominal Curvature or the general method? I am already using the software, but I can't find this information.
Guilherme Geraldino
Thanks, Grzegorz and Carlos!
Giovanni Bellik
Anyone knows how to save the file? I'm able to generate report but I don't know ho to save the file after the run.
Carlos Perez Neyra
Grzegorz thanks a lot! i could run it in compatibility! Well, right click in gala. exe, then properties, compatibility and finally in xp pack 2, thats all.
Grzegorz Czerpak
Run it in compatibility mode choosing "windows xp" and run it as an administrator, it worked for me
Francisco Csacadura
I have purchased Gala and now with Windows 10 how can I use this program? Regards
Abdirazak Mohamed
I have a windows 10 version installed in to my computer, and most of the programs in here are windows 7 version. How can i solve these issues because they are not working on windows 10 most softwares

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GaLa Reinforcement has been rated 2.7 out of 5 points. A total of 47 votes cast and 9 users reviewed the software.

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