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Program Description

GEO5 is a suite of programs for geotechnical analysis. The software package includes individual programs that are closely linked to each other and run in the same environment. Each program solves a specific geotechnical problem. Besides common geotechnical engineering tasks, the suite also includes highly sophisticated applications for the analysis of tunnels, building damage due to tunnelling, stability of rock slopes etc.

GEO5 consists of wide range of powerful programs based on analytical methods and the Finite Element Method.

Analytical methods of computation (e. g. slope stability, sheeting design) allow users to design and check structures quickly and efficiently. The designed structure may be transferred into the FEM application where the general analysis of the structure is performed using the Finite Element Method. This not only saves designers time but also compares two independent solutions, thereby increasing design safety.

GEO5 Solutions

Stability Analysis

Analysis of slope stability, rock slopes and MSE walls

Excavation Design

Design and verification of retaining structures, diaphragm and pile walls

Walls and Gabions

Complex design of gravity, cantilever and prefab retaining walls

Shallow Foundations

Bearing capacity and settlement of spread footing, strip footing and slabs

Deep Foundations

Bearing capacity and settlement of piles and pile groups

Settlement Analysis

Analysis of settlement and consolidation of foundation soil

Tunnels and Shafts

Analysis of tunnels, underground structures, and vertical shafts

Geological Survey

Terrain and subsoil modeling based on geological surveys

Field Tests

Analysis of structures based on field tests (SPT, CPT, DMT, PMT)

* GEO5 download link provides demo version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Puji Ono
Thanks for the free software links.
Anteneh Tesfaye
Thank you very much for your support

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