GEO.Spread screenshot
DEVELOPER :CivilAnalyzer
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1159
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that GEO.Spread is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

GEO Spread will enable you to design and analyse spread footing easily, accurately, and comprehensively.

GEO Spread features are :

  • Easy to use yet advanced, 3D viewport let you clearly understand your foundation, the foundation-induced soil stress, the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, as well as soil stress propagation.
  • High precision calculation General Bearing Capacity Engine, let you get the most accurate result of foundation
  • Design efficiently : by knowing the design chart between F. S. and foundation dimensions, soil stress as well as ultimate bearing capacity, you may decide the most cost effective size for your foundation easily.
  • Design and analyse the foundation for various loading : axial gravity-direction loading with no eccentricity , axial loading with one as well as two way eccentricity.
  • Design your foundation considering various aspects such as : earthquake, settlement, and soil compressibility.
  • 3-Dimensional soil stress distribution (due to foundation loading) analysis - let you know the soil stress (in vertical and both lateral directions, as well as shear) induced by foundation loading. GEO. Spread also let you export the calculation result to Excel, Image, or Video.
  • Input and process your CPT log data - get other related soil parameters.
  • Automate your Structural Design of the spread footing (which comply to ACI 318-11)
  • Generate PDF design report for spread footing, you can save it as PDF or send it attached to your email; and add map which will increase the usability of your report.
  • Multi-language availability : GEO. Spread will be available in many languages (English, Chinese, Indonesian, and many more).

* GEO.Spread download link provides trial version of the software.

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