CESDb > Geotechnical Engineering
Listing 132 Geotechnical Engineering Software...
DeepFND Version:2017 · Hit:1194

Deep Foundation and Pile Design

DeepFND is a powerful interactive software for deep foundation and pile design. Axial, lateral, settlement, structural and geotechnical analysis options.

Dips Version:8.0 · Hit:8105

Graphical and Statistical Analysis of Orientation Data

Dips is designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data.

DynaMat Version:3.2 · Hit:597

Analysis of Mat Foundations Under Dynamic Loading

DynaMat uses a three dimensional hybrid method to estimate the equivalent dynamic stiffness and damping of machine foundations.

DynaN Version:3.13 · Hit:904

Dynamic Analysis of Shallow and Deep Foundations

DYNAN can be used for the dynamic analysis under transient and random loading in the time domain.

DynaPile Version:3.2 · Hit:593

Analysis of Pile Foundations Under Dynamic Loading

Program DynaPile was developed to compute the dynamic stiffness of single piles or pile groups.

ELLEA1 Version:0.96 · Hit:2636

Pavement Analysis Tool

ELLEA1 performs real time computation of stresses, strains and displacements in a layered elastic half-space due to two uniformly loaded circular areas applied at the surface

EnCPT Version:1.3 · Hit:97

Import, Process, & Visualize Cone Penetration Test Data

Process raw CPT data, generating and exporting soil layering and properties to LPILE.

EnFEM Version:1.1 · Hit:81

Plane-Strain, Plane-Stress, And Axisymmetric Analyses In Geotechnical Engineering

2D finite element analysis with ability to perform soil-structure interaction and staged construction.

EX3 Version:1.007 · Hit:1459

3D Engineering Analysis for Underground Excavations

EX3 is an engineering analysis program for underground excavations in rock.

Examine2D Version:8.0 · Hit:3927

2D Stress Analysis for Underground Excavations

Examine2D is a 2-dimensional plane strain indirect boundary element program for the elastic stress analysis of underground excavations.

FastTerrain Version:3.0 · Hit:1061

Create, Edit and Visualize in 3d Space Digital Terrain Models

In FastTerrain you are able to create, edit and visualize in 3D space digital terrain models.

FB-Deep Version:1.21 · Hit:1101

Static axial capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles

The FB-Deep computer program is a Windows based program used to estimate the static axial capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles.

Forces Version:1.0 · Hit:809

Resultant of General Force System

The program is based on general principle of static equilibrium of forces in a plane.

Frew Version:19.4 · Hit:1115

Embedded Retaining Wall Analysis

Frew enables engineers to define and solve even the most complex embedded retaining wall design problems quickly.

Frost1D Version:0.2.5 · Hit:368

Ground Frost Penetration Analysis

Frost1D is a one dimensional ground frost penetration analysis program.

GaeaSynergy Version:4.0 · Hit:69

Geoscientific Analyses, Mapping, Data Display and Data Management

GaeaSynergy is an application suite for geoscientific analyses, mapping, data display and data management. The program can be used to evaluate contaminants, soil and rock properties, mineral deposits, and oil and gas deposits.

GAIES Version:1.0 · Hit:504

Manage Earthmoving Equipment in a Worksite

GAIES is a utility that manages the earthmoving equipment in a worksite. Provides optimized solution for the soil movements during the construction stage of a corridor (road, channel, railway etc) project.

Geo-Tec B Version:8 · Hit:300
Geo-Tec B

Verification of Stratified Slopes

Geo-Tec B allows the verification of stratified slopes in the presence of water beds and loads.

GEO5 Version:2021 · Hit:4992

Geotechnical Analysis Suite

GEO5 is a suite of programs for geotechnical analysis. The software package includes individual programs that are closely linked to each other and run in the same environment.

GeoMat Version:2.2 · Hit:552

Analysis of a Soil-Supported Mat or a Structural Slab

GeoMat is aimed at the solution under static loading of two classes of problems encountered in structural engineering: a soil-supported mat or a soil-supported structural slab.

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Top Downloads

15319 hitsPOLEFDN v2.3

POLEFDN is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of a pole foundation assuming the use of a rigid round pier which is assumed free at the top and subjected to lateral and vertical loads.

8485 hitsAllPile v7.19

AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

8105 hitsDips v8.0

Dips is designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data.

7959 hitsSlide v9.0

Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis and support design.

6991 hitsPILEGRP v3.6

PILEGRP is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the elastic method.

Recent Comments
Eyob Mehari
Eyob Mehari· 15 Nov 2024
It is a good friendly use....
Abdul Qadir
Abdul Qadir· 18 Sep 2023
It didn't work as requires a key....
李振耀· 20 Jul 2023
Can you please provide me original version of STABLPRO? I need it. Thank you. my emailadress :gibsincyl@gmail.com...
Gaga L
Gaga L· 26 Mar 2023
The software should have other measurement systems (SI) as part of it's functionality....
Jose Marin
Jose Marin· 26 Nov 2022
Muy interesante herramienta para agilizar los diferentes cálculos e informes geotecnicos....