CESDb > Geotechnical Engineering
Listing 132 Geotechnical Engineering Software...
GEO.Spread Version:2.0 · Hit:1162

Design and Analyse Spread Footings

GEO. Spread will enable you to design and analyse spread footing easily, accurately, and comprehensively.

GEOTEC Office Version:11.4 · Hit:682

A Package for Geotechnical and Structural Engineers

GEOTEC Office is a package for geotechnical and design engineering. The package contains programs such as ELPLA, Bohr, TIEF, Geotools and more.

Geotechnical Graphics Version:2014.12 · Hit:723
Geotechnical Graphics

QuickLog, QuickCross/Fence, QuickGIS, QuickSoil

The four modules, QuickLog, QuickCross/Fence, QuickGIS, and QuickSoil are contained in one integrated application called Geotechnical Graphics or GeoGraphics for short.

Geotechnical Volume-Mass Calculator Version:5.0.35 · Hit:1536
Geotechnical Volume-Mass Calculator

Calculate Basic Volume-Mass Properties

Geotechnical Volume-Mass Calculator provides the user the ability to calculate all of the basic volume-mass (VM) properties when three VM properties are known and to graph the VM relationships of the soil.

Greta Version:19.2 · Hit:758

Stability Analysis For Gravity Retaining Walls

Greta analyses the stability of a gravity retaining wall and determines the bending moments and shear forces within the wall.

GROUP Version:11.9 · Hit:1026

Analysis of 3D Pile Groups Under Combined Loadings

GROUP has been well accepted as an useful design tool for analyzing the behavior of piles in a group subjected to both axial and lateral loadings.

HEADS Site Version:24 · Hit:752

Design For Survey, Town Planning & Industrial Plants And Tunneling

The largest and versatile software for survey, dtm, contouring, site development for township, tunnel, airport, irrigation, water supply projects.

Heave Version:8 · Hit:766

Determining The Stability of a Vertical Cut (Excavation) in Soft Soil

Heave determines the stability of a vertical cut excavation in soft soils. Multiple layers, different water tables, and surcharge loads are taken into account.

HelixPile Version:2017 · Hit:1207

Helical Pile Analysis

HelixPile is a user friendly, modern and powerful software program for the design of helical piles.

LateralK Version:4.0 · Hit:1470

Earth Pressure Analysis

LateralK is a simple software for calculating lateral earth pressure coefficients and forces behind retaining walls in static and earthquake condition based on Rankine/ Coulumb formulas and also Mononobe/ Okabe methods.

LeanWall Version:1.10 · Hit:257

Leaning Wall Engineering Design

LeanWall is a software mainly designed for the purpose of designing a concrete or masonry leaning wall.

LEMSlope Version:0.1.3 · Hit:576

Slope Stability Analysis Using Traditional Limit Equilibrium Method

LEMSlope is a slope stability analysis program using traditional limit equilibrium method. It takes advantage of the strength of Python script language and sets up the analysis model parametrically.

LiquefyPro Version:5.8 · Hit:1272

Settlement analysis by liquefaction

Software for liquefaction analysis, Software for settlement analysis by liquefaction: Liquefaction of saturated soils (silt, sand, and gravel) during earthquakes has caused severe damage to buildings, earth embankments, dams, and bridges.

LOGitEASY Version:2020 · Hit:331

Create Boring Logs Online

LOGitEASY provides a free online service (Free Logs) for creating report-quality boring logs.

LPILE Version:11.7 · Hit:2067

Analysis of Piles and Drilled Shafts Under Lateral Loads

LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method.

MSE Wall Version:2.5.1 · Hit:1839
MSE Wall

LRFD External Stability Analysis

Designing an MSE wall requires consideration of the geometric configuration and reinforcement requirement to ensure external and internal stability.

NovoBPT Version:2.0 · Hit:483

Becker Penetration Test

NovoBPT is designed for correcting raw BPT blow counts (Nb) and converting them to SPT blow counts (N60).

NovoCPT Version:4.0 · Hit:947

Cone Penetration Test Interpretation

NovoCPT is designed for processing CPT files and calculating soil parameters such as friction angle, relative density, unit weight, fines content, shear wave velocity, Gmax, clay sensitivity, OCR, undrained shear strength, soil behavior type (SBT).

NovoFormula Version:2.0 · Hit:1141

Geotechnical Correlations

Geotechnical engineers can use this software for day-to-day analysis and calculations.

NovoLAB Version:4.0 · Hit:1081

Soil Mechanics Log Drafting and Lab Test

NovoLAB is the most comprehensive geotechnical software for lab data management and borehole log drafting.

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Top Downloads

15319 hitsPOLEFDN v2.3

POLEFDN is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of a pole foundation assuming the use of a rigid round pier which is assumed free at the top and subjected to lateral and vertical loads.

8485 hitsAllPile v7.19

AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

8105 hitsDips v8.0

Dips is designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data.

7959 hitsSlide v9.0

Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis and support design.

6991 hitsPILEGRP v3.6

PILEGRP is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the elastic method.

Recent Comments
Eyob Mehari
Eyob Mehari· 15 Nov 2024
It is a good friendly use....
Abdul Qadir
Abdul Qadir· 18 Sep 2023
It didn't work as requires a key....
李振耀· 20 Jul 2023
Can you please provide me original version of STABLPRO? I need it. Thank you. my emailadress :gibsincyl@gmail.com...
Gaga L
Gaga L· 26 Mar 2023
The software should have other measurement systems (SI) as part of it's functionality....
Jose Marin
Jose Marin· 26 Nov 2022
Muy interesante herramienta para agilizar los diferentes cálculos e informes geotecnicos....