CESDb > Geotechnical Engineering
Listing 132 Geotechnical Engineering Software...
Slide Version:9.0 · Hit:7959

2D Limit Equilibrium Slope Stability Analysis

Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis and support design.

Slide3 Version:3.0 · Hit:2817

3D Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Slope Stability

Slide3 is a powerful, user-friendly, 3D limit equilibrium slope stability analysis program for all types of soil and rock slopes, embankments, earth dams, and retaining walls.

SnailPlus Version:2018 · Hit:616

Soil Nail Analysis

SnailPlus is a powerful soil nailing wall analysis and design software program. SnailPlus analyzes soil nailing walls according to FHWA design standards and methodologies.

SO-Consolidation Version:1.0 · Hit:448

One-Dimensional Consolidation Test

SO-Consolidation is aimed at the evaluation of one-dimensional consolidation tests. In order to obtain coefficient of consolidation and secondary compression index, each loading step can be analyzed by two methods, logarithm and square root of time.

SO-Foundation Version:2.0 · Hit:1823

Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations

SO-Foundation calculates bearing capacity of shallow foundations considering both shear failure and settlement.

SO-Log Version:1.2 · Hit:1362

Geotechnical Engineering Boring Logs

SO-Log generates boring logs as a means to summarize and report several tests performed within a geotechnical engineering project.

SO-Shear Version:1.0 · Hit:1148

Direct Shear Tests

SO-Shear is aimed at the evaluation of direct shear tests. It has a user-friendly interface and lots of smart capabilities are implemented.

SO-Sieve Version:1.0 · Hit:1052

Sieve Analysis, Hydrometer and Atterberg Limits Tests

SO-Sieve having a user-friendly interface, includes sieve analysis, hydrometer and Atterberg limits tests.

SO-Unconfined Version:1.0 · Hit:517

Unconfined Compression Test

SO-Unconfined is aimed at the evaluation of unconfined compression tests. It has a user-friendly interface and lots of smart capabilities are implemented.

Softree Optimal Version:9.0 · Hit:364
Softree Optimal

Earthwork Optimization for Corridor Projects

Standalone road and corridor optimization tool. Works with designs created in other design software.

Soil Sieve Test Analyser Version:0.1 · Hit:893
Soil Sieve Test Analyser

Grain Size Distribution Diagram

This is an application that can be used for analyzing Soil Sieve Test.

SoilStats Version: · Hit:1164

Analyze Gint Geotechnical Borehole Logs

SoilStats provides an intuitive way to analyze gINT geotechnical borehole logs.

SoilVision Version:4.23 · Hit:1045

Database System for Saturated / Unsaturated Soil Properties

SoilVision is a knowledgebase database system for saturated, unsaturated soil properties from sources all over the world.

spMats Version:8.50 · Hit:1751

Design And Investigation of Concrete Foundations, Mats, Combined Footings, Pile Caps, Slabs On Grade

spMats is highly efficient and widely used for analysis, design and investigation of commercial building foundations and industrial mats and slabs on grade.

spWall Version:5.01 · Hit:723

Optimize Complicated Wall Design, Reinforcing and Deflections

From shear walls and retaining walls to precast, ICF, and tilt-up walls, engineers worldwide use spWall to optimize complicated wall design, reinforcing, and deflections.

SRWall Version:4.05 · Hit:2913

Segmental Retaining Wall Design

SRWall is design software for Segmental Retaining Walls.

StablPro Version:4.5 · Hit:875

Computations of Slope Stability

STABLPRO has been developed specifically for users to ease their modeling process and to enhance the graphical observation of slope boundaries and critical slip surfaces.

Structural Masonry Design System Version:7.2 · Hit:1516
Structural Masonry Design System

Masonry Design

The SMDS software is a component software package specifically designed to engineer masonry.

SuperLog Version:4.2 · Hit:1976

Boring Log and Test Pit Graphical Reports

SuperLog generates boring log and test pit graphical reports for field drilling and geotechnical investigations. It is a user-friendly, easy to learn, powerful, and flexible program, which will increase your productivity significantly.

Surcharge Earth Pressure Version:2012 · Hit:3224
Surcharge Earth Pressure

Lateral Pressure on the Retaining Wall Due to Vertical Surcharge

This spreadsheet computes lateral pressure against retaining wall due to vertical surcharge loads.

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Top Downloads

15319 hitsPOLEFDN v2.3

POLEFDN is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of a pole foundation assuming the use of a rigid round pier which is assumed free at the top and subjected to lateral and vertical loads.

8485 hitsAllPile v7.19

AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

8105 hitsDips v8.0

Dips is designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data.

7959 hitsSlide v9.0

Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis and support design.

6991 hitsPILEGRP v3.6

PILEGRP is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of pile groups with rigid caps using the elastic method.

Recent Comments
Eyob Mehari
Eyob Mehari· 15 Nov 2024
It is a good friendly use....
Abdul Qadir
Abdul Qadir· 18 Sep 2023
It didn't work as requires a key....
李振耀· 20 Jul 2023
Can you please provide me original version of STABLPRO? I need it. Thank you. my emailadress :gibsincyl@gmail.com...
Gaga L
Gaga L· 26 Mar 2023
The software should have other measurement systems (SI) as part of it's functionality....
Jose Marin
Jose Marin· 26 Nov 2022
Muy interesante herramienta para agilizar los diferentes cálculos e informes geotecnicos....