CESDb > General Tools > Glodon CAD Reader
Glodon CAD Reader screenshot
SOFTWARE :Glodon CAD Reader
PLATFORM :Windows / Android
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:310

Program Description

As a CAD drawing viewer developed by Glodon Company Limited, CAD Reader is one of the fastest, most lightweight and powerful CAD drawing viewers. With CAD Reader on your smartphone, computer, or tablet, you can view, measure and annotate your dwg/dxf drawings at anytime, anywhere.

Basic functions:

  • Layer management, length and area measurement, coordinate and scale setting, comments, search and find, print, etc.
  • All the basic functions are free to use.

VIP functions:

  • Layer Management: Hide/Unhide all or specific layers as you need.
  • Extract texts/table: To extract the texts to the clipboard and extract tables from the drawing to the Excel.
  • Measurement: To measure the length and area of arc, polyline and circle. Able to show section lengths and get perpendicular distance
  • Comment: To modify the comment properties, manage the external reference, and draw a straight line.
  • Drawing settings: To show the original drawing in grey, convert dwg file version, and partially export drawing.
  • Quantity Survey: To identify and count the target entities, then view and quickly position the entities.
  • Text: To add multiline text, modify, move and duplicate your text.
  • Find: To find the content in a specific area of the drawing and export the results to excel.
  • Export & Import: To export or import drawings with comments.

* Glodon CAD Reader download link provides freeware version of the software for Windows and Android.

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