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Program Description

Part of the GSA suite of programs, GSA Bridge is the perfect bridge design software for busy bridge designers. This easy-to-use bridge analysis software automatically sifts through the multiplicity of possible moving loads to find exactly which the crucial ones for your structure are. GSA Bridge also includes the unique footfall module, the only program available for vertical footfall analysis on any structure. With data available in rich text or spreadsheet-friendly format, it fits seamlessly with the other tools on an engineer’s desktop.

Developed in-house at Arup, GSA Bridge has proved its worth as a key piece of bridge engineering software on award-winning projects such as the Infinity Footbridge, the Falkirk Wheel, and the Gatwick Air Bridge.

Principle features

Bridge load optimisation

GSA Bridge calculates the critical loading regimes on a bridge based on national and international design codes. It takes into account bridge alignments and vehicle paths, and designers can either use standard vehicles or define their own. GSA Bridge is ideal for footbridge analysis and rod bridges, whether in steel, concrete, timber or other materials.

Footfall analysis / human induced vibration

As designs become more efficient, the resulting structures get lighter and more responsive to human induced vibrations. This means that footfall induced vibration is becoming an important serviceability design requirement for office and residential buildings, foot bridges and staircases: it is an essential requirement for demanding situations such as hospitals and laboratories.

GSA Bridge enables you to find the footfall response over the whole structure, with full contour plots and detailed graphs showing exactly where the satisfactory and problem areas are. You can thus explore cost-effective design solutions and advise you client on how their structure will respond to human induced vibration.

Steel design

Check your steel structure to a number of international design codes, whether American, British, European, Australian, Indian, Hong Kong or South African.

Concrete slab and wall design

Calculate the reinforcement requirements for concrete slabs and walls to international codes from America, Britain, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, India or Canada. GSA Bridge takes into account not just the bending moments, but also all torsion and in-plane forces to ensure that your structure is designed for all the forces it experiences.

Output the results in both scaled contour plots for rationalisation and design calculations for both sensible construction and design confidence.

Nonlinear analysis

Analyse structures with large (and indeed very large) deflections, plastic yielding of materials, snap-through, sway effects, and more. GSA Bridge uses the dynamic relaxation method to enable you to analyse structures that other programs will not touch.


GSA Bridge enables you to calculate the buckling load factors on a range of structures, from complex frames to shell structures and lateral torsional buckling of plate girders. It also includes non-linear buckling effects so you can plot the deflections of columns and struts against load to accurately assess safety factors.

Dynamic analysis and response

GSA Bridge includes both modal analysis for calculation of the natural dynamic frequencies of your structure and Ritz analysis specially designed for seismic response calculations. You can choose to include axial load effects to change stiffnesses in both these methods.

Following on from the modal or Ritz analysis, GSA Bridge enables you to calculate the structural response using a number of dynamic post processors, including seismic response to multiple international codes, linear time history, harmonic loads for vibrating machinery, and more.


With staged analysis you can assess the model at any stage in construction, remove elements, and change sections and restraints, all coordinated in a single model.

* GSA Bridge download link provides trial version of the software.

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