HCALC solves for head loss, diameter, flow, pipe area, velocity, Reynolds number and friction factor using the Darcy-Weisbach, Hazen-Williams or Manning's equations. HCALC converts values between various English and SI units sysems. Run HCALC as a stand alone application or have it load at startup and always be available on system tray. Provides data on pipes schedules and sizes. A very useful tool for quick calculations.
HCALC solves for...
- head loss given diameter, length, friction and flow
- diameter given length, friction, flow and head loss
- flow given diameter, length, friction and head loss
- pipe area given diameter
- velocity given diameter and flow
- diameter given flow and velocity
- flow given diameter and velocity
- Reynolds numbers and friction factors
Head loss calculations are available using these equations...
- Darcy-Weisbach for any incompressible liquid
- Hazen-Williams for water systems
- Manning's equations for water systems
* HCALC download link provides trial version of the software.
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