CESDb > Hydraulic Engineering > Hydraulic Calculator
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SOFTWARE :Hydraulic Calculator
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:4556
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that Hydraulic Calculator is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

Stand alone software version of the hydraulic calculation portion of the CE CALC website.   Runs on the Windows . NET platform.   Performs civil engineering calculations for hydrology, open channels, culverts, gravity sewer, transmission lines and unit conversions.

Open Channel Calculations

  • Channel velocity calculations - V-ditch flow velocity, trapezoid channel flow velocity, rectangle channel flow velocity, half circle channel flow velocity, parabola channel flow velocity and any shaped channel flow velocity
  • Channel discharge calculations - V-ditch channel flow, trapezoid channel flow, rectangle channel flow, half circle channel flow, parabola channel flow and any shaped channel flow
  • Channel critical depth calculations - V-ditch critical depth, trapezoid channel critical depth, rectangle channel critical depth, half circle channel critical depth, parabola shaped channel critical depth
  • Weirs - Cipoletti trapezoidal weir, rectangular weir, contracted rectangular weir and triangular weir
  • Parshall flume
  • Froude Number - Rectangular channel Froude number and Froude number for other channel shapes

Culvert Calculation

  • Trial culvert selection - culvert design, box culvert selection, round culvert selection and other culvert shape selection
  • Inlet control headwater - Inlet control culvert submerged inlet and inlet control culvert unsubmerged inlet
  • Outlet control head - arch pipe under outlet control, oval pipe under outlet control, round pipe under outlet control, square box under outlet control, rectangle box culvert under outlet control and any culvert under outlet control
  • Outlet control culvert headwater
  • Culvert outlet velocity

Sewer Calculations

  • Flow velocity - arch pipe flow velocity and round pipe flow velocity
  • Discharge - arch pipe flow and round pipe flow
  • Slope of energy grade line - arch pipe energy grade line slope and round pipe energy grade line
  • Sewer minor losses - full flow expansion losses, partial flow expansion losses, full flow contraction losses, partial flow contraction losses, pipe bend losses, straight manhole losses, terminal manhole losses, junction manhole losses, bend manhole losses, curved bend manhole losses
  • Storm drain inlets - grated inlet low flow capacity, grated inlet high flow capacity, curb inlet low flow capacity, sump curb inlet low flow capacity, sump curb inlet high flow capacity and low flow slotted inlet capacity and high flow slotted inlet capacity
  • Pipe loads - trench backfill load on rigid pipe and trench backfill load on flexible pipe, pipe load from dristributed load and pipe load from concentrated

Water Force Main Calculations

  • Velocity head
  • Pipe friction loss
  • Minor losses equivalent length
  • Pipe total dynamic head
  • Convert units of head
  • Pump properties
  • Soil friction resistance/soil pressure
  • Pipe joint restraints
  • Thrust Blocks - pipe bend thrust blocks and pipeline branch thrust blocks

* Hydraulic Calculator download link provides trial version of the software.

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