CESDb > Structural Design > IDEA StatiCa
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Program Description

Design and code-check of steel connections and joints

IDEA StatiCa Connection designs and checks welded or bolted connections, 2D or 3D joints, anchoring or footing of all topologies. We provide clear pass / fail checks according to EC / AISC / CISC standards in a complete report with drawings. For analysis, the Unique CBFEM method based on finite elements is used. Modeling considers an elastic-plastic material model for all the elements of the joint – plates, elements, bolts and welds. Prestressed bolts and plastic behavior of the welds are also taken into account.

Analysis of stress and strain of all connections and joints. The load is applied in increments, the corresponding stress and strain is calculated and evaluated. Linear analysis of stability of the connection elements. The coefficient of critical load with the corresponding deflection shapes. Rotational and axial joint stiffness (rigid, semi-rigid and pinned) and joint characteristics – initial stiffness. Seismicity checks. Iterative calculation of design load of the joint.

Reinforcement and code-check of concrete walls, beams, and details

IDEA StatiCa Detail reinforces and checks all types of walls, beams, and details (in 2D) such as dapped ends, openings, hangings, brackets, diaphragms, frame joints and many more. We provide clear pass / fail checks of ULS and SLS according to the code with complete report and bill of material. The most effective position of reinforcement is identified automatically. IDEA StatiCa Detail uses finite element analysis to break the limits of the standard design approach.  

Non-linear analysis performed in the background. Stress and strain determined by modified compression field theory. Reinforcement results based on tension chord model. Crack width and deflection checks. Compression softening. Tension stiffening. Results verified by ETH Zurich.

* IDEA StatiCa download link provides trial version of the software.

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