CESDb > Structural Analysis > MEXE Analysis
MEXE Analysis screenshot
DEVELOPER :David Childs
PLATFORM :Spreadsheet
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1756
Program Description

This Proforma calculates the load carrying capacity of an arch (up to 40 tonnes gross vehicle weight) based on the modified MEXE (Military  Engineering and Experimental Establishmen ) method as described in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Standards BD 21/01 & BA 16/97(Amendment No.2).

There is no guidance in the Standards to determine when axle lift-off will occur. The TRL have recorded the load distribution on double axles crossing a number of humped-back bridges. These results have been used to estimate the effects of lift-off and a spreadsheet has been developed to determine the appropriate axle factor based on the road alignment over the bridge.

* MEXE Analysis download link provides freeware version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Chris Mwanjalika
I made a followup on lift off calculation in excell above, I got nothing. May I get a coach.

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